Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Nagayama Youko - Jon kara Onna Bushi

It's been forever since I posted here but it's about time that I started again. After about 5 months of my new life in Japan I think I've settled in pretty well. Here's one of my favorite enka songs.

雪は下から 舞い上がり

赤い裳裾に まといつく太棹三味線 女の旅路
燃えるくすぶる はじける愚図る
離れられない 男(ひと)がいる
じょんからじょんから わかって欲しい

バチの乱れは 気の乱れ別れ言葉は 言わせない
深みにはまった 女の弱み
男ごころは 風より軽い
月にかくれて されるまま
じょんからじょんから 哭かせて欲しい

鉛色した 空の色春は私にゃ 遠すぎる
太棹たたけば 糸さえ切れる
憎いいとしい せつない辛い指にからまる 女節

じょんからじょんから あんたが欲しい 

Snow dances up around me

Clinging to my the red hem of my skirt
A shamisen, a woman's journey
I burn and smolder, I split and fume
There's a man I can't let go of
I want to make you understand with the sound of my strings

The chaos of my pick is the chaos of my heart
I won't let you say goodbye
This is the weakness of woman who fell too hard
The heart of a man is more fickle than the wind
Now, as I'm hidden by the moon
I want to make you cry with the sound of my strings

The sky is the colour of metal
Spring is too far from me
When I pluck the shamisen its strings snap
Hateful, dear, heartrending, painful --
the song that twines around my fingers
I want to keep you with the sound of my strings

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