Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reading Phonetic Transcription

I came across a post from John Wells's Phonetic Blog and was happy to see that I could read the transcription.

wən ɪz ʌ. sɪns STRUT əŋ commA ə nɔʔ məədʒd fə mɪj, ɑjd lɑjk tə bɪj ɛjbl tə kəntɪnjɵw tə jɵwz ə sɛprəʔ sɪmbl fə ðə foomə. ɑjd bɪj hapɪj tə mɛjk ɪt ɐ rɑɑðə ðən ʌ. bəʔ dʒɛf dɪsmɪsɪz STRUT əz ə məəkjɵwərɪjəl (məəkjɵɵrɪɪl) ən fəŋkʃən lɑjʔ ɡrɛjl (fə wɪtʃ hɪj wɪnz tədɛjz mɪkst mɛtəfə prɑjz).

Unfortunately, like most of scholarly abilities, my reading skill does not transfer to my production skill. It could take me hours to write a full post in transcription. I'll keep practicing, but in the meantime I'm going to read it over once more. Thanks to phonetics my British accents are getting better all the time.


  1. I could read that one paragraph without any problems, but when I started reading his blog, I got (+_+) fairly rapidly. He should switch to katakana!

    PS: I sometimes amuse myself by writing Afrikaans in katakana. Tricky, since Afrikaans has many guttural sounds. It sounds a bit like a throat disease.

    1. Ha ha! Me too. When I took Spanish in HS I'd write the words in katakana/hiragana, since I was trying to learn it at the time. It's much easier to transcribe in Japanese than Afrikaans, I'd imagine!
