Miáucoles: Lolcats en español: qrs hcr algo? "Wanna do smthg?" "No." "Me nthr." |
Miáucoles: Lolcats en español: Gatiposa "Look, I'm a Catterfly' |
I was interested to see how they would translate the "I iz, I can haz" bits, but the translation is pretty straight-forward. In one of the Spanish examples above they use a distorted/abbreviated version of Spanish ("Todos los miáucoles publicamos un lolcat con un texto escrito intencionalmente con una ortografía y sintaxis fuera del español estándar, con verbos extrañamente conjugados y también con abreviaturas SMS en español”), but I don't think any of the Japanese translations are purposefully distorted like LolCat(ese?) is. Actually, they usually have the proper English version along with the Japanese, as you can see above.
I do remember having a なめんなよ免許書 when I was in high school though. It had a yankee-looking cat and his girlfriend with his bike, if I remember correctly. It probably looked a lot like this one:
なめんなよ 免許証2 |
I couldn't understand much Japanese back then, but it reminds me a little of LOLcats. I wonder what happened to it...
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